Tuition + Fees

Currently, all students are required to enlist in the Christian Leadership program with tuition of $3,000 per semester.

A registration fee of $100 is charged upon acceptance for admission.


Required textbooks may be purchased individually, from a variety of booksellers, including Amazon. Students will be notified of their booklist before the start of the semester.

Tuition Refund Policy

Students who withdraw from enrollment prior to the first day of a semester will be issued a full refund of any tuition paid in advance. If a student withdraws during a semester, the refund amount will be calculated based on the proportion of the course taught. Withdrawals after 60% of the course are not eligible for a refund. Fees are not refundable.

Tuition Payment Plans

Tuition payments are due at the beginning of each semester. However, the college does offer 0% interest payment plans with up to 6 equal installments per semester.