To establish a Christian, conservative, classical college in Northwest Ohio
We are a post-denominational, Protestant expression unified around core doctrine as defined by the Apostles’ Creed and extrapolated upon by the Reformation.
We believe in free market economic theory, limited government, the greatness of the American project, and ordered freedom.
We train students to think critically and have practical skills to succeed in life.
We develop leaders who are good stewards and practice “real leadership serves people.”
We support the established church.
We view Christian engagement in every sector of society as important for Kingdom growth.
We value entrepreneurism and support our students in it through training and partnerships.
Educational Objectives:
A Revere education culminates with a Diploma of Christian Leadership, indicating a graduate is equipped to:
Apply foundational Protestant theology and a biblical worldview to every area of life.
Communicate effectively in written and oral forms.
Apply leadership principles through missionally-focused civic engagement.
Be good citizens who are grounded, prioritized, industrious, and engaged.