Why Revere Bible College?

The Church has a thousand-year history of starting colleges because it long recognized that education is the cultural gatekeeper that shapes the thinking of the next generation. Many of the most esteemed educational institutions of today were started by churches—from Harvard and Yale to Columbia and Princeton. Outsourcing this responsibility in modern times has led to the spiritual darkness of the current moment. But the tide is turning. We need a rebirth of ordered freedom informed by the Christian ethic, and we begin by training up a new generation of students who engage culture with moral clarity and courage.


We are teaching a generation of students to revere God and boldly engage culture with strong convictions, taking inspiration from the imperfect but great leaders who came before us. In this spirit, the College is named Revere for two different reasons.

First, from Malachi 4:2, “But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays. And you will go out and frolic like well-fed calves.” 

Second, named after revolutionary leader Paul Revere, the College strives to develop the work ethic, leadership, and foundations of its namesake in our students.

Paul Revere was a man of integrity and personal responsibility with reformed Christian foundations. He was both a family man and a man of industry. He refused to be passive in the midst of civil turmoil and risked his fortune, reputation, and life for the good of his compatriots and the Country’s future.

The Five Canons of Revere

Christian. We strive to love God, apply the biblical worldview to every area of life, and denounce the lies of the day. We are not a seminary and do not belong to a particular denomination.

Conservative. We believe in ordered freedom and the equality of man rooted in the Imago Dei. We affirm the centrality of the family and moral virtue for a free society. We do not tolerate Marxism in any form.

Classical. We study ancient truths, read the Great Books, and learn how to speak, write, and think critically. We value the liberal arts and cultivate a habit of learning.

Calling-oriented. We encourage each student to boldly pursue his or her calling as a means of establishing the Kingdom. We commit unto the Lord all that we are, do, and have.

Concise. We teach a rigorous curriculum that maximizes opportunities for self-governance, minimizes wasted time and money, and emphasizes human flourishing.

Greetings from the Board 

Revere is not for every student. Many students who want to pursue traditional degree programs (medical, education, legal, etc) for occupation should start at a junior college or traditional 4-year program. But Revere is for many students. We offer an affordable 2-year leadership program that is designed to equip students with the ability to lead, learn, and create their entire lives. 

Students will be immersed in rigorous academic pursuit, while being exposed to area ministry, business, and community leaders. They will form community with like-minded students, be challenged spiritually, and develop the personal discipline and knowledge to succeed and make an impact in every area of life. 

Get ready for the ride of your life!