Does it really matter what I do?

I used to wonder if what I did really mattered. I’d often ask myself, “Does God really care about the small details of my life?” It was easy to think that my daily routine—whether it was studying, working, or running errands—didn’t have much significance. Sometimes, it felt like the bigger picture was just too important for my small actions to make a difference.

But over time, I realized something that completely shifted my perspective: every action, no matter how small, can bring glory to God. Whether I’m at school, work, or simply interacting with others, everything I do can point back to Him. It’s not about the size of the task; it’s about the heart behind it. This realization made me see that every part of my life can be meaningful when it’s dedicated to God.

One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is that when God promotes Himself through His Word, it’s not out of pride—it’s because He knows He is the best thing for us. He promotes Himself out of love because He understands we need to know Him to experience fullness in life. As I spend time in His Word and truly come to know Him, I’ve learned that glorifying God in everything I do is essential. We must promote Him, too. By recognizing He’s the best thing for us, we are called to reflect His greatness in every area of life, letting others see His truth and goodness through us. We can promote Him too!

Hi, I’m Maddie! Revere played a huge role in helping me grasp this truth. The environment there helped me realize that my work isn’t just about personal success—it’s about bringing glory to God. I learned that success, in God’s eyes, isn’t measured by personal gain but by how much our actions point others to Him. Whether it’s my future job or how I approach life right now, Revere gave me the tools to live intentionally for God.

From my experience at Revere, I’ve learned to ask myself, “Can this give God glory?” I make choices based on that question, trying to ensure everything I do reflects His greatness. Now I’m not perfect, but this practice has kept me fromt he path of destruction many times! Whether it’s something as simple as how I respond to a text or as big as deciding on a career path, the heart behind my actions matters. I encourage you to do the same—let everything you do, no matter how small, be a reflection of God’s glory.


My sin is so comfy!


Turning on Your Spiritual AirPods